Friday, December 27, 2019

The Epic of Gilgamesh and Sumerian Culture Essay - 792 Words

The Epic of Gilgamesh and Sumerian Culture The Epic of Gilgamesh is generally regarded as the greatest literature about tales of a great king. The Epic of Gilgamesh served to show us a lot of things. The time period of BCE is very blurry, and this story attempts to describe many different things in not only Sumerian beliefs, but also Sumerians culture as a whole. Like many stories from BCE the truth itself is questionable, even though a lot of the information is fact. The factual information that Gilgamesh teaches us about Sumerian Civilization is that had had many craftsman and artistic skills, and also a strong belief in Gods. Gilgamesh is introduced as knowing all things and countries including mysteries and secrets that†¦show more content†¦This is proof of the Sumerian architectural abilities. The architecture in Mesopotamia are considered to have been contemporary with the founding of the Sumerian cities, but there was some complexity in the architectural design during this Protoliterate period (c. 3400-c. 2900 BC). This is shown in the design of many religious buildings. Typical temples of the Protoliterate period--both the platform type and the type built at ground level--are, however, much more elaborate both in planning and ornament. The interior was decorated with cones sunk into the wall, covered in bronze. Most cities were simple in structure, but the ziggurat was one of the worlds first complex architectural structures. The Sumerian temples, called ziggurats was a small brick house that the god was supposed to visit periodically. This house, however, was set on a brick platform, whi ch became larger and taller as time progressed. Along with showing many types of Sumerian craftsmanship, the epic shows the strong belief in many gods. All through out the story Gilgamesh comes in contact with many gods. But even before the contact with the gods, there was talk about Gilgamesh being created by them. When the Gods created him they gave him a perfect body...Shamash...endowed him with beauty, Adad endowed him withShow MoreRelatedReview Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 1301 Words   |  6 Pagesthroughout history and in many different cultures. All quest stories follow the same pattern and have the same archetypes. The first stage in a quest is the call to adventure or the protagonist s separation from his or her daily life. The next stage is the , threshold stage. After threshold is initiation or loss and the final stages are, the ultimate boon and return. Within every quest, there is also some lesson to be learned by the protagonist. 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In the tale Gilgamesh is created by the GodsRead MoreRole Of Civilization In The Epic Of Gilgamesh1194 Words   |  5 PagesWhile many believe inhabitants of early civilizations, like the Sumerians, were at peace with their environment and community, The Epic of Gilgamesh has challenged that idea and suggests that whether or not a Sumerian was civilized or not, determined their relationship with the environment and community. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, representation of the best and worst of humanity is presented through the characters, Enkidu and King Gilgamesh. From the beginning, Enkidu is portrayed as an uncivilized, wildRead MoreGilgamesh And Death821 Words   |  3 Pagestheme in the The Epic of Gilgamesh. Being that this epic largely represented the Sumerian and Mesopotamians idea I believe the feeling of Gilgamesh himself on death and it s aftermath would be very much the same for most of the society in the time that it was written. Gilgamesh was largely afraid of dying and did everything he could to avoid this inevitable fate. The first major sign we have of Gilgamesh s fear of dying comes when his friend Enkidu dies. At first Gilgamesh cannot even acceptRead MoreImagery and Themes in the Epic of Gilgamesh1139 Words   |  5 PagesContext - Imagery and Themes Rosenberg notes that Gilgamesh is probably the worlds first human hero in literature (27). The Epic of Gilgamesh is based on the life of a probably real Sumerian king named Gilgamesh, who ruled about 2600 B.C.E. We learned of the Gilgamesh myth when several clay tablets written in cuneiform were discovered beginning in 1845 during the excavation of Nineveh (26). We get our most complete version of Gilgamesh from the hands of an Akkadian priest, Sin-liqui-unninniRead MoreEssay about Comparing The Epic of Gilgamesh with The Odyssey1262 Words   |  6 Pages The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey both are held in high respect by literature analysts and historians alike for the characterization of the hero and his companion, the imagery brought to mind when one of them is read, and the impressive length in relation to the time period it was written in. The similarities that these two epics share do not end with only those three; in fact, the comparability of these works extend to even th e information on the author and the archetypes used. However, TheRead MoreAncient Civilization And Modern Day Iraq And Kuwait Essay1279 Words   |  6 PagesAncient Sumerian Civilization The ancient civilization of Sumer was located in modern-day Iraq and Kuwait, and is believed to have begun around 6000 B.C. It is considered ‘The cradle of civilization’ by most historians, because it’s where the first elaborate urban societies appeared. Sumerians were polytheistic, and had a pantheon consisting of many gods and goddesses, who were anthropomorphic superhumans. The Sumerians held a unique view of creation, the afterlife, and worship. They contributedRead More A Comparison of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Hebrew Scriptures1302 Words   |  6 Pages A Comparison of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Hebrew Scriptures The Hebrew Flood story of Noah and his obligation to preserve man kind after God had punished all living creatures for their inequities parallels The Epic of Gilgamesh in several ways. Even though these two compilations are passed on orally at different times in history the similarities and differences invoke deliberation when these stories are compared. Numerous underlining themes are illustrated throughout each story. Humans areRead MoreEssay on Gilgamesh vs. Genesis1436 Words   |  6 PagesGilgamesh vs. Genesis In our society, which is overwhelmingly Judeo-Christian, students often find it difficult to compare Bible stories with tales from other cultures, because our own belief system is wrapped up in the prior, and it is hard for many of us to go against our traditional faith to evaluate them objectively. But in a comparison of the Biblical book of Genesis with the ancient Sumerian text, Epic of Gilgamesh, many parallels suggest that the same type of spiritualRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh : The Goddess Aruru, The Temple Prostitute, And The Unnamed Bride1206 Words   |  5 PagesThere are three important women in the epic of Gilgamesh: the goddess Aruru, the temple prostitute Shamhat, and the unnamed bride. Each of these individuals give unique insight into the culture of the Sumerians in the time of Gilgamesh and Enkidu. The goddess Aruru exemplifies that, despite being a deity, all women were subjected to certain constraints based solely on their gender and societal norms. Shamhat demonstrates that women held various functional roles in society, including roles within

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Questions On The Sovereign Debt Crisis - 2450 Words

This essay will address the question â€Å"The sovereign debt crisis shows that any solution to the financial crisis needs to put greater emphasis on the market solutions and less regulation.† It will contain arguments as to why the sovereign debt crisis shows that greater emphasis on market solutions should be made rather than more emphasis on regulations. It will begin with addressing the situation in Europe that is named the sovereign debt crisis. Then it will be followed on by examples of countries that have had hardships with the levels of debts they have accumulated within the euro zone. The flaws and faults in the formation of the European Union via the Maastricht Treaty agreement that where shown in the financial crisis that began in†¦show more content†¦In order to fight the crisis some governments within the European Union had focused on raising taxes and lowering expenditure. This raise of taxes and lowering of the governments expenditure contributed to soc ial unrest as it is only natural the living population would much rather not pay higher taxes (Eichler, 2011). Sovereign debt had risen substantially in only a few Eurozone countries, most dramatically in countries like Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Although only a small amount of countries had a debt crisis or where on a path of having a debt crisis, it had become a perceived problem for the rest of the European union countries as the threat of further contagion was on the brink and a possible break-up of the Eurozone was in peoples thoughts. The global credit crunch in 2007/ 08 affected and exposed countries to the sovereign debt crisis. The credit crunch alludes to a sudden deficiency of trusts for giving, prompting an ensuing decrease in advances accessible. This credit crunch was constrained by a sharp climb in defaults on subprime contracts. These home loans were predominantly in America however the ensuing deficiency of stores spread all through whatever remains of the worl d particularly in Europe. This credit crunch led to many changes within the Eurozone, the following are some of the changes that the credit crunch caused; bank losses such as commercial European banks lost money on their exposure to bad debts in US, recession that resulted

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

South And Southeast Asia Essay Example For Students

South And Southeast Asia Essay IntroductionThe region under scrutiny happens to be among the most impoverished countries in the world, though allowing for so much growth that is has made them among the fastest growing countries in the world. The region with all this potential is South and Southeast Asia, and the countries holding 40% of the worlds poor are Bangladesh, Thailand, Pakistan and India. How is it that South Asia has grown so much over the past decade with 35% of its men and 59% of its woman being illiterate? Or how is it that half a billion of the people in South Asia are living off less than a dollar a day? So much of the information I have found for this paper is hard to swallow, though I will try and tell it to you straight and in this sequence:1. What is believed to be the beginning of the crisis that South Asia is faced with now?2. Who is supporting growth and development in South Asia?3. Through all this support, how much debt is being created?4. What are individual weaknesses facing certain count ries in South Asia?5. Can these countries be of success in the long run?The beginning of the crisisSince July of 1997 Southeast Asia has been hit by an economic crisis of major proportion. The economic crisis was originally limited to Thailands financial sector, when the central bank of Thailand devalued its currency, the baht. Like so many other currencies the baht had been pegged to the all so valuable U.S. dollar to help ensure stability. Though because of the major success in the U.S. economy the dollar has been seen as strengthening, leading many investors to feel that the baht and many of the other currencies pegged to the dollar were overvalued. Because of this created concern many of the investors fearing an unstable currency chose to exchange its currency for dollars. As the confidence in the baht dwindled, companies operating in Southeast Asia scrambled to get rid of its currency as well. Thailands central bank was hoping that this devaluation would stop and eventually res tore confidence in its currency, how would this happen of course? I would assume that Thailand was hoping for a lowering in the price of goods in dollar terms, which would make those products competitive in foreign markets. This in turn would attract new investments into the country. Though this did not happen, and a monsoon of loan defaults and debt resulted, and much of Asias financial sector was headed for bankruptcy. With the threat of economic collapse looming Thailand officials sought international help. Who is supporting the growthIn order for many South Asian countries to survive they had to seek help in the form of loans, luckily for them the International Monetary Fund was able to help. The IMF and several Asian countries have so far pledged to provide more than a $100 billion in loans to help save Southeast Asias struggling financial systems. Though in return for these loans, recipient countries must implement a series of austerity measures designed to contain the crisis and improve their free-market economic policies. Some of these austerity measures are to increase certain taxes, implement policies to discourage banks from making risky loans and to shut down many of the insolvent financial firms that had planned on being bailed out. Therefore the Asian crisis and the IMF bailout has created a wide-ranging debate on the merits of Asias economic model. Though with the debate on how to fix the crisis, it really seems to be just two competing versions of capitalism. The Asian mode l, set to resemble Japans economy, is based on the belief that leaders must take a direct and active role in the free market to assure rapid growth and high employment. The other version is the Western model, modeled after the U.S. economy, which is set to discourage government intervention in the marketplace and largely place faith in the free market to determine the countries course of economic development. To many observers, the glaring economic inequalities and high levels of unemployment in the West would be signs of the deficiencies in the Western style of capitalism. Though it is easy for people of the Asian model to point to Southeast Asias current economic collapse as evidence that the Asian system has failed. One of the immediate goals of the IMF bailout package to Thailand was to prevent further currency instability in the region. Yet much of the damage had already been done; after the devaluation of the baht, other currencies in Southeast Asia plunged. Most governments i n the region were able to prevent their currencies from tumbling, though many countries used their multi-billion dollar reserves of foreign currency to buy back their declining domestic currencies. The debt that is risingOut of all the loans that have been taken out, you have to be asking yourself how much debt has South Asia created and how has this happened? The general consensus is that Asias debt stems largely from overzealous domestic investment. Being optimistic that Southeast Asias remarkable economic growth would continue, companies in the region borrowed huge amounts of money and poured it into investments such as real estate. When those investments didnt profit, companies simply borrowed more money or extended their loans to cover outstanding debt. In some extreme cases, banks extended enormously risky loans because they were partly owned by the businesses that needed the funds. After all this risky borrowing those businesses that were not already bankrupt were looking at debts that were three to six times the total amount of cash invested in their companies. The comparison to this would be the U.S., which has a debt-to-equity ratio of one to one as opposed to the six to one in South Asia. Debts quickly led to bankruptcy when currencies fell and no one was willing to extend any more loans in Asian countries. .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 , .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 .postImageUrl , .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 , .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89:hover , .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89:visited , .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89:active { border:0!important; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89:active , .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89 .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u45bdcea4b5bd8edb10c37356f8e76d89:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Making the Atomic Bomb Decision EssayAnother major problem that helps with debt in South Asia is corruption. Corruption has contributed to many problems in South Korea and elsewhere in Southeast Asia, as prominent businessmen, bankers and politicians are often found embezzling funds and pressuring banks to make illegal loans. These types of corrupt business practices have become commonplace in many of the financial markets in South Asia. Individual weaknesses facing South and Southeast Asian countriesOne of the major weaknesses facing the world is the lack of energy to support the amount of people living within in it. This is the weakness in India, as economic growth and t he welfare of its people is hindered by power supply constrains. Indias power sector is continually being hit by capacity shortages resulting in blackouts along with deteriorating physical and financial conditions. India has found ways to possibly fix this dilemma though the World Bank had to be involved by providing a $350 million dollar loan in 1996. India has mainly used coal, which was its least-cost source of primary energy and still meets two-thirds of the countrys energy needs. Though the average households access to electricity is forty six percent, which drops to thirty three percent in rural areas. So the need for another form of power is evident, though the International Finance Corporation has invested in one of the first private coalmines in India. Another major weakness that seems to be facing many countries is the literacy of the people in that country. This happens to be the major weakness in Bangladesh where 59% of woman and 35% of men are illiterate. The World Bank has attempted to help Bangladesh through approving a $53.3 million dollar credit for a project to improve and expand the literacy education in Bangladesh. This new project is designed to benefit newly literate adults, who are among the countrys poorest people. This will hopefully help the country reduce poverty and, in the social sectors, to promote faster and more equitable human development. The five-year project that has been constructed is expected to benefit 1.6 million learners, with half of them being woman. Can these countries be of successWith taking a look at Thailand, India and Bangladesh it is apparent that money is more than just the issue. The issue is can these countries overcome the debt, the lack of power and the percentage of illiterate looming in their country? Many of the reforms implemented since the crises has actually appeared to have a large impact on national morale. Though can it be believed that 1.6 million will be taught to read and write, or that enough coal will be found to power an entire country at more than seventy five percent efficiency. What about the value of the baht? Will that suddenly increase because billions of dollars are being lent to saving this almost bankrupt country? The truth of the matter is that I dont know the answer to any of these questions. How do I even begin to weigh the consequences of some of these countries actions, and are these reforms things that I would spend my money on. I would hope so; I wouldnt want an illiterate country, or a country continually dealing with power shortages. Though will these issues go away, is time the only true answer. ConclusionThis paper has really tried to focus on the crisis that South and Southeast Asia is in, I looked at it from a larger standpoint while still keeping the topics small. I did this because currency is something that nearly every country has trouble controlling. Plus there are a lot of troubles that come with a collapsing currency, as far as market instability and fear of investing. This was just a few of the problems that effected every country used in this paper, every country that was spoken about was among the poorest countries in the world though still receiving recognition for being among the fastest growing countries in the world. That in its self is hard to explain; how would this happen to this specific region of the world. These are the types of questions that were attempted in this paper. The specific answers are not given in this paper however because I personally cannot answer them. But what it will take for these countries to succeed has been answered and the funding is there for them to do that. If the progress continues in the direction that all these countries are facing, it is possible for all these countries to survive and pull themselves out of poverty.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Leaders of the States Rights Debate redo free essay sample

John C. Calhoun was born in 1782, in Billable County, South Carolina of which as to the fourth child Of Patrick Calhoun and his wife Martha Caldwell. When John turned 17 years old he quit school to work on the family farm because his father had become ill. With the help of his brother that was financially able help, John earned a degree from Yale College in 1804. After studying Law at Tapping Reeve Law School in Litchis Connecticut he was admitted to South Carolina bar in 1807.He won his first election in 1810, were he was immediately leader of the War Hawks, and this is when he was acting chairman of the powerful committee on foreign affairs. Also in 1817 he was appointed Secretary of War. At this point in time is where he built his reputation as a leading American politician and political theorist during the first half of the 19th century. He built his reputation on his beliefs for slavery and minority rights. We will write a custom essay sample on Leaders of the States Rights Debate redo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1811 John married and had 10 children over the next 18 years, he attend church with his wife whom was Episcopalian and he was a member of Souls Unitarian Church.He was often caught between the two religions most of his life. John became the seventh vice president of the United States in 1825 and ended his term in 1832. He considered running for ND term of Vice President before his death in 1850. He was touched by the great awakening in the South. Henry Clay was born on April 12, 1777, in Hanover County, Virginia. Henry was the seventh of nine children of the Reverend John Clay and Elizabeth Clay. His father died four year later and his mother a widower remarried and his stepfather Cap. Henry Watkins moved them to Richmond, Virginia.His stepfather secured Clay employment in the office of the Virginia Court of Chancery; there he became friends with George Withy, who chose Clay as his secretary, After Clay was employed as Withys amanuensis for four years, the honorable took an active interest in Clays future; he arranged a position for him with the Virginia attorney general, Robert Brooke. Clay read law by working and studying with Withy. Clay was admitted to the bar to practice law in 1797. After beginning his law career, on April 11, 1 799, Clay married. Clay and his wife had eleven children. In November 1797, Clay relocated to Lexington, Kentucky. Clay owned a productive 600-acre plantation. Clays most notable client was Aaron Burr in 1806, after the US District Attorney indicted him for planning an expedition into Spanish Territory west f the Mississippi River. Clay and his law partner John Allen successfully defended Burr. Although not old enough to be elected, Clay was appointed a representative of Fayette County in the Kentucky General Assembly. As a legislator, Clay advocated a liberal interpretation of the states constitution and initially the gradual emancipation of slavery in Kentucky.Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun helped to pass the Tariff of 181 6 as part of the national economic plan Clay called The American System. Clays American System ran into strong opposition from President Jacksons administration. In 1820 a spite erupted over the extension of slavery in Missouri Territory. Clay helped settle this dispute by gaining Congressional approval for a plan called the Missouri Compromise. It brought in Maine as a Free State and Missouri as a slave state. By 1824 sought the office of president, Because of the unusually large number of candidates.Having finished fourth, Clay was eliminated from contention. When Clay was appointed Secretary of State, his maneuver was called a corrupt bargain by many of Jacksons supporters and tarnished Clays reputation. As Secretary of State his slave Charlotte Deputy sued Clay for her freedom and that of her two children. In 1 832 the National Republicans unanimously nominated Clay for the presidency, Clay lost by a wide margin. In 1848, Clay decided to retire to his Ashland estate in Kentucky. Retired for less than a year, he was in 1849 again elected to the U.S. Senate from Kentucky. 1850, Clay proposed a series of resolutions, which he considered to reconcile Northern and Southern interests, Admission of California as a free state, ending the balance of free and slave states in the senate. Organization of the Utah and New Mexico territories without any slavery provisions prohibition Of the slave trade. Clays efforts, failed in a crucial vote. Clay continued to serve both the Union he loved and his home state of Kentucky. On June 29, 1852, he died. Robert Haynes was born in South Carolina on Novo. 0, 1 791. He received a private education unable to afford to go to college; He studied law in the office of London Chives in Charleston Just before he was 21 . He was admitted to the bar in 1812, where he also served in the War of 1812, in 1814. He was elected to the state legislature in 1814. He was a member of the House of Representatives for the next four years, serving as Speaker of the House in 1818. Haynes was Attorney General of South Carolina from 1818 to 1822. Haynes first wife died 1820. Later that year he remarried. In 1822, he became the Senator. After his reelection in 1828, he entered into a famous debate, hoping to forge closer ties between South and West. Haynes was considered an ardent free-trader and an uncompromising advocate of states rights. He consistently upheld the doctrine that slavery was a domestic institution. He then decided to serve as Chairman of the nullification convention. Haynes view that states could nullify federal laws with which they did not agree. This is where he began to attained prominence as an eloquent defender of States rights. Haynes contended that the United States Constitution was only a compact between the national government and the states, and that any state could nullify any federal law which it considered to be in contradiction. He opposed the federal governments plan to send delegates to the Panama Congress, to develop a united North and South American policy towards Spain, including the end of slavery in Spains former colonies. He opposed the protectionist federal tariff ills, to enhance the profitability of manufacturing interests in his home state. This angered Southern leaders who would have to pay higher prices for manufactured goods.Whether the federal government had the authority to take this action called into question the relationship between the powers of the federal government and the governments of the individual states. Haynes was president of the Louisville, Cincinnati and Charleston Railroad from 1836 until his death in September 1839. Andrew Jackson was born March, 1 767 in the Hawk settlement on the border between North and South Carolina. His father, Andrew Jackson father) came over from Carsickness, on the north coast of Ireland, in 1765. His mothers name was Elizabeth Hutchinson.Andrew Jackson, the father, died a few days before the birth of his son. The log cabin in which he was born in was situated within a quarter of a mile of the boundary between the two Carolinas, no one seem to know exactly. In a letter of 24 December, 1 830, in the proclamation addressed to the nullifiers, in 1832, and again in his will, Jackson speaks of himself as a native of South Carolina. He received sporadic education. In his late teens he read law for about two years, lawyer in Tennessee. He was than elected to House of Representatives, and he served briefly in the Senate.He was a major general in the War of Andean by 1 828 he had enough of the state elections and took control of the Federal administration in Washington. In his first Annual Message to Congress, Jackson recommended eliminating the Electoral College. He also tried to democratic Federal office holding. Two parties were opposing him and that was the Republican Party and the Democrats (Whig). Behind their accusations unlike previous Presidents, Jackson did not defer to Congress in policy-making UT used his power of the veto and leadership to assume command.The greatest party battle was with the Second Bank of the United States, a private corporation Govern by monopoly. When Jackson appeared hostile toward it, the Bank threw its power against him. Jackson met head-on the challenge of John C. Calhoun, leader Of forces trying to rid themselves Of a high protective tariff. Jackson threatened to hang Calhoun until Clay negotiated a compromise: tariffs were lowered and South Carolina dropped nullification. Clay and Webster, who had acted as lawyers for the Bank, led the fight for its charter in Congress. The bank.Jackson vetoed the recharge bill and charged the second Bank with undue economic privilege. Jackson challenged John C. Calhoun that he was trying to rid them of a high protective tariff. In January of 1832 Jackson retired to the Hermitage, where he died in June 1845. Daniel Webster was born January 18, 1782, Salisbury, New Hampshire. At an early age he was taught how to read. As he grew older he attended classes various houses where the schoolmaster boarded in succession around the township. At 14 he spent part of a year at Phillips Exeter Academy, and at 15 e entered Dartmouth College. After graduation he taught school and read law, going to Boston and studying in the office of a prominent lawyer. He began his own practice near home but moved to Portsmouth in 1807, married Grace Fletcher. Webster who had been prospering through trade with Great Britain and France. The Portsmouth businessmen objected to the federal governments effort to retaliate by limiting and even stopping overseas commerce as their spokesman, Webster denounced the Jefferson administrations embargo as unconstitutional he also opposed the declaration of war against Great Britain in 1812.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Spartan Women essays

Spartan Women essays Most of the information we have today about the women of ancient Greece was wrote by well educated, higher class men that were considered the experts of the time but naturally did not know what it was like to live as a woman. These men depicted the women as emotional, less rational, impulsive, and weaker than men, lacking knowledge of the world and dependent solely on them. But that idea did not hold true for the Greece city/state of Sparta. The freedom and greater respect for Spartan women began at birth with the fact that there were more girls than boys, because they were not victims of the state program of infanticide as was practiced in Athens. There were laws setup that required female infants and children to be given the same care and food as their brothers in contrast to other Greek cities where girls were frequently given less and lower quality food. The reason for this was because it was thought that if the girls had more food then their bodies would be better prepared for producing a healthy child for the Spartan society. These women unlike the women of Athens were expected to be able to protect themselves as well as learn reading and writing alongside the boys. In Athens, the education of a girl involved spinning, weaving, and other domestic arts, for a Spartan woman such tasks were relegated to helots. A girls education was equally as hard and brutal as the men's, and included many athletic events such as staged battles, foot races, discus, and javelin throw. Even their tunics were worn in such a way as to give them a little more freedom of movement when involved in athletic activities and it also gave them the opportunity to reveal a little leg and thigh if they so desired. It is believed that they might have competed in the nude before a mixed audience in many athletic competitions. Incidentally a Spartan woman, Cynisca, became the first woman to ever have an Olympic vi ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Revolution of Digital Technology

The Revolution of Digital Technology Introduction Digital Revolution refers to the change in technology that has been going on in the last 40 years from analog technology and mechanical technology to the digital technology.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Revolution of Digital Technology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The revolution have been characterized by rapid developments in the information technology with the computers becoming,faster,cheaper,powerful and smaller and this has information technology to be part and parcel of lives as it is embedded in almost all the products and people are adjusting very fast to the rapid pace that the information environment is changing. Other developments that have been realized as far as the revolution is concerned includes the digital television, digital democracy,gaming,mobile phone, the world wide web, online social networking,vitual communities, music and multimedia, digital divide among others. The fo llowing essay covers the issues relating to the revolution of information and the challenges that are hinder the effective revolution of digital technology. History and timeline of digital technology The invention of personal compute in the mid 20th century enhanced the invention of new technologies by converging the previous analog technology to digital format. This made it possible to make identical copies of the original and hence the ability of accessing and distributing information remotely between media. A significant development as far as the digital revolution is concerned is the transition of music from analog to recorded digital one in they early 1980s (Hoare,1998). The whole phenomenon behind digital revolution started with the invention of a transistor which in turn facilitated the invention of a microprocessor. The microprocessor saw the development of the personal computers and it was the invention of the personal computers that paved way for other digital devices that are present today. The transistor that facilitated the invention of digital computers was invented in 1947 and so the computers came onto being in the mid 1950s and it was only the government, military and the organizations that had the computer systems.As a result of digital computers invention, the World Wide Web was created.Advertising Looking for essay on computer science? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The personal computers were later invented in the 1970s in which the time sharing between computers was effectively realized. The general public became familiar with the computers in the 1980s in the industrialized nations such as U.S, Geramny, France among others. Thus people bought the computers for home and business use.Many people became conversant with the computers and also many jobs were created as a result. It is also in the 1980s that the first cell phone was created by Motorola (Creeber Martin, 2008). The period between 1990s and 2000 was also characterized by significant developments in the digital era. First, the internet was released by the World Wide Web and so many businesses had the chance of advertising themselves. People from the developed nations were the first beneficiary of internet invention but the digital revolution eventually spread to the entire globe in 1990s implying that even people from the developing countries had the access to internet. The cell phone was also developed in this era but much later which had the effect of enhancing communication among people. The Social-economic Impacts of digital revolution The revolution of digital technology has had both positive as well as negative impact as far as social and economic aspects are concerned. The positive impacts of the revolution of the digital technology include the fact that it has enhanced interconnectedness among people. The interconnectedness has reduced costs and time as far as sending and receiving the information is concerned. In the past, people used to spend much money in an order to convey information (Hofstede, 1997). The digital technology has also made information to be easily accessible unlike in the past and this have resulted to great efficiency in organizations and hence enabling them to achieve their objectives. The World Wide Web has been of much assistance as it has facilitated the outsourcing by the companies and hence enhancing interaction between the companies.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Revolution of Digital Technology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The new innovations have also brought about economic growth through globalization whereby one can even buy and sell products online without necessarily having to travel long distances in order to carry out negotiations and so everyday life of people have been made easier. Electronic commerce as a result of internet allows efficiency on the consumer’s prices for goods and services because middlemen which have the effect of increasing the prices are eliminated as the supplier is able to sell his or her goods directly to the consumers. The negative effects as a result of revolution of digital technology includes the fact that the companies’ productivity is often reduced as employees spends much time pursuing their own interests using the digital devices that are found in the workplace e.g. playing computer games, chatting on the social network sites such as facebook and twitter,accesing emails e.t.c. The other negative impact as far as the revolution of digital technology is concerned is that there is less privacy because the information that is stored in the digital devices is susceptible to be accessed by people who were not intended to view it. Some of the information that is found in they internet for instance may not be suitable for people of all ages such as underage as it have unethical elements such as pornography e.t.c. due to the fact that organizations as well as individuals are allowed to publish any topic whatsoever to the world at large at minimal costs (World Culture Report, 1998). This has been a major concern for many parents as the students performance in schools continue to deteriorate because they spends much of their time either listening to music with their iPods, downloading music, watching movies and video clips e.t.c.instead of concentrating in their studies (Creeber Martin, 2008). There has also been an increase in frauds as far as the revolution in digital technology is concerned e.g. the cyber crime with the World Wide Web which has resulted to huge losses among the victims (Vikas, 2002).Advertising Looking for essay on computer science? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Challenges of digital revolution The path towards digital revolution has not been all smooth as it has been met with challenges and the main one being digital divide (Challoner Gribbin, 2002). The gap between those who have access to information technology and those who do not have is quite wide and this has made the revolution in digital technology not to be uniform because there are societies that continues to lag behind and resulting into digital divide. The digital divide occurs mainly in the low developed nations with many people being unaware of the current digital technologies and so the revolution process cannot be carried out effectively as the people behind revolution cannot be able to get feedback on the existing products. Another challenge that is common in the digital revolution is the rate at which the evolution takes place implying that ones digital gadgets as well as programs are always at a risk of becoming obsolete due to the revolution of more effective ones and hence a person will be required to seek for the digital devices that are currently in use which is a bit costly (Hofstede, 1997). There are also concerns about trademarks and copyrights as a result of revolution of the digital technology as consumers have resulted to duplicating the original protected works instead of purchasing the original product from the manufacturers. The music and film industry is the one that has been greatly affected by these violations. This has in turn led to the killing of the morale of the original manufacturers. The emergence of counterfeit products in the market have also made it hard for the consumers both differentiate between the original products and the fake ones and this have the effect of hindering the product innovation Conclusion The digital revolution have spurred economic growth as a result of the innovations and with the personal computers advent, information management about products, people and processes became crucial in each and every s ector of the economy. The mere convergence of communication, computing and the content enhanced the digital revolution as well as digital economy. In today’s world, societies have adequate infrastructure concerning information and communication technology as revolution still continues and thus reaping benefits as a result of the advancement in technology. As competition increases in businesses, innovation is being considered as the key factor for success and so there is need to encourage the under developed nations to be innovative enough so that they can be able to compete effectively with the developed nations (Hofstede, 1997). Reference List Challoner, J. Gribbin, J (2002).The Digital Revolution. London: DK Pub Creeber, G. Martin, R. (2008).Digital cultures. London: Open University Press. Hoare, S. (1998).Digital Revolutiion: 20th century inventions. Whyman: Raintree Steck- Vaughn. Hofstede, G. (1997).Culture and Organizations Software of the Mind. New York: McGraw Hill. Vikas, M. (2002).Annals of Indian Language Computing: Goa International. UK: Conference on Universal Knowledge and Language. World Culture Report. (1998).Culture, Creativity and Markets. US: UNESCO

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Continuum Professional Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Continuum Professional Development - Essay Example Like any other activity I developed a working plan that would help me achieve my goals and objectives. The action plan was mainly based on gaining experience and learning from experienced practitioners. According to Plunket (2008) creating good relations with experienced practitioners is the best way to gain effectively from continuum development practices. In the action plan, I focused on the location of my placement as a junior practitioner, the skills required from me, being in good terms with my tutors and supervisors and having the best academic qualifications. In continuum practice development an action plan should have a mandatory requirement of acquiring maximum skills from the academic side and skills in practice development (Jasper, 2006). The author further argues that as a student, academic qualification is the most important requirement to build ones skills in their career. In the academic level students are advised to also create relationship with their tutors and other experienced instructors who may guide them as amateur nursing practitioners. In the paper, I will discuss my experience in continuum professional development in terms of communication and working with others. Additionally, there will be an inclusion of my strong and weak areas as a learning nursing practitioner. ... In my academic life, I developed my communication skills by research and by creating relationships with my instructors. Like a requirement in continuum professional development, one should create a healthy relationship with tutors and instructors. In this way, the experienced practitioners aid students in understanding the requirements of the practice. In terms of communication I indulged in practical lessons in gaining experience and getting used to the terms involved. In the practical lessons, there were programs which we participated in that helped our tutors evaluate and promote our progress. The programs were based on specific requirements from our tutors. The programs enhanced our communicating skills with patients, taking notes from practical lessons, analyzing the trends in communication in the practice and learning from experienced practitioners how to relate to the practice situations. Communication in the academic level is also enhanced through creating groups that help fo rmulate communication strategies (O’Farell & Evans, 2008). In these groups, tutors and instructors provide instructions on how to create communication programs and trends to suit the field. Additionally, the groups act as support mechanisms to slow learners who require more attention when learning. According to Hansen (2013) communication in groups help students have confidence and enough self esteem to face patient and experienced practitioners. In groups, every person is ranked an amateur regardless of their sharpness and level of understanding. This helps students feel comfortable when learning and experimenting new communication skills. Academically, students also learn how to work in groups. In every class level tutors created groups which required working together to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflelction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reflelction paper - Essay Example As a citizen I feel less than nationalistic towards any form of government. I see myself as a citizen of Earth not a particular nation. As a worker I am honest. I may procrastinate and deviate from social norms but I still do what I need to get done. My role as a leisure user is important to me. I throw myself into all visual forms of art and literature and I practice very hard to perfect my skills. As a learner I am always there. I will never stop learning new things as each day passes by and for every new thing I learn will add to my well of wisdom. As myself I value my individuality highly, which is normal for an INTP. I refer to myself as an enlightened anarchist. I do not care what others think about me or what they do as long as it does not affect others in a negative way. I believe my self-esteem is average. I do not over-estimate my value though I am proud. I do not mind using myself as the butt of a joke nor am I quick to criticize others. If I would change something about m y self-confidence it would be my notorious shyness when it comes to meeting new people. My timidity tends to lock me up when I’m surrounded by new faces. I also find it hard to make conversations with others without being introduced to them. Most of my friends are there because they came to me. When I break out of my shell it is when people realize that I am not as innocent or quiet as they initially thought. They tend to think of me as crude but at least I am not hiding behind a shell like most people do. When it comes to being a worker, I believe that is where my weakness lies. I would like to able to enjoy work instead of despise it. I do not want to feel like a serf to some sleaze who is sipping coconut drinks all day on the beach while many others barely have enough money to put food in their stomachs. I know this is a very pessimistic view and that I need to change it. But I feel that society has been brainwashed into wanting to live inside of a golden cage. 2. There ar e different levels of loving, among them: passion, romantic and consummate forms of love. Passionate loving means an intense sexual desire for the object of desire. The main core of this relationship can be purely physical, meeting one’s sexual needs at the most. Many people derive happiness when their sexual needs are met regardless if there’s a commitment or none. Passion can happen between two strangers such as a one-night stand where both parties feel a burning desire to have sexual relations. After passion has been consumed, a partner can simply forget the event since there are no strings attached or what we call â€Å"commitment†. Passion is also possible between two people who truly love each other like couples in a marriage. Romantic love is more on developing intimacy and passion but with no commitment. Most young people feel these nowadays thinking that emotional commitment and making their other person happy is enough to sustain a solid relationship. Although some relationships can begin this way, many relationships also fail after this stage. When a relationship is tested by adversity, partners who are not willing to commit would just abandon the romantic relationship. Consummate love includes all three levels of loving: intimacy, passion and commitment. Solid marriages are often characterized by consummate love because the partners were able to balance the three levels. The attributes that the relationship must have to become consummate are the following: transparency, trust, compassion,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Three Most Important Parts of .NET Platform Essay Example for Free

The Three Most Important Parts of .NET Platform Essay â€Å"The . NET Framework is an integral Windows component that supports building and running the next generation of applications and XML Web services. † (MSDN) The objectives of the . NET framework include providing a consistent environment for local and remote execution, minimizing deployment and versioning conflicts, ensuring consistent performance across Windows and Web based applications, and promoting industry standard code that easily integrates with any other code. The three key parts in the . NET framework that make these possible are: ? Common Language Runtime ? Base Class Library ? Assemblies Parts of the . NET Framework Common Language Runtime The Common Language Runtime (CLR) manages systems services such as memory management, code execution, compilation, and code safety verification. The CLR is at the heart of interoperability by providing a common environment for different codes to run. â€Å"The incorporation of ‘language’ features into a common language runtime, rather than a particular language, allows languages to freely interoperate within the overall . NET platform. † (Sessions) The CLR provides a secure and robust environment for execution, multi-language support, simplified development and deployment. To provide the required functionality, the CLR provides cross-language integration, cross-language exception handling, support for different versions, deployment support, and debugging and profiling services. (MSDN) One of the major strides that has been made with the introduction of the . NET platform is the feature of language independence. This means that any . NET-enabled language can be used to create code, and can be integrated with other parts of the program. This functionality is achieved by . NET through the use of an Intermediate Language into which all source codes are converted to provide a common basis for execution. The CLR employs a Just-In-Time compilation (JIT) process that includes only those parts of the code that are required at runtime to be compiled. The JIT includes a feature of caching that allows it to re-use code that is used more than once within a program, making the process faster and more efficient. (Evjen et al. 8) The CLR uses metadata that keeps track of the types, members and references within the code. All common runtime executable versions contain the metadata, which tells the program where to look for classes and helps if to manage memory, enforce security and generate native code. The CLR makes it possible to share classes and methods across languages, using a common type system that is defined during runtime. (Evjen et al. 9) The metadata enables the code to run as â€Å"managed code†, which runs under the CLR following the rules set by it. This ensures that the services mentioned earlier such as code-access security, lifetime control of objects and memory management, and cross-language integration of code can be provided by the CLR. From the above it can be seen that the Common Language Runtime is basic to some of the major breakthroughs in the . NET environment, and is therefore, a very important part of it. Base Class Library The second major part of the . NET framework is the Base Class Library. The Base Class Library contains classes and types that expedite the development process, as well as allow the sharing of these, to provide easy and common means for accessing system functionality, and execute common tasks. The . NET types conform to Common Language Specifications that apply to all . NET enabled languages. This makes it possible to write code in any of these languages using these types. This represents one of the major contributions to interoperability between languages, which is at the heart of the . NET approach. Thus Base Class Library forms the second most important part of the . NET framework. The . NET framework provides a number of abstract and concrete classes that make it possible to write powerful programs in any one or a combination of the supported languages. The framework also provides a rich repertoire of interfaces. The rich functionality provided by the interfaces can be used by either using an existing class that implements these interfaces and by deriving a user defined class from them, or can be implemented by creating a class that implements these interfaces. The . NET applications, controls and components depend on the type definition, which is one of the constituents of the Base Class Libraries. This enables the framework to handle various functions such as encapsulating data structures, perform I/O and invoke security checks. (MSDN) From the above it can be seen that much of the functionality of the . NET framework is derived from, and is dependent on, the Base Class Libraries. Assemblies As we have seen, the Common Language Runtime and the Base Class Libraries represent the bases on which the crucial and differentiating features of the . NET framework are built. These provide a common framework for developing the application. The next most important aspect of an application is to run it. This is facilitated by Assemblies. â€Å"Assemblies are the building blocks of . NET Framework applications; they form the fundamental unit of deployment, version control, reuse, activation scoping, and security permissions. † (MSDN). The Assemblies contain resources and types that are required at runtime. The Common Language runtime is possible because of Assemblies, because they provide vital information that makes the runtime application aware of the types and other resources used. This makes it possible to run an integrated application that contains diverse codes written in a variety of CLR-enabled languages. The Assembly contains code that the common language runtime executes. The Intermediate Language code depends on associated assemblies to be executed. Thus the Assemblies are fundamental to the . NET framework, and allow the parts to function at runtime. For this reason, they represent the third most critical part of the . NET framework. Conclusion The . NET framework is distinguished by its ability to integrate and run code written in a variety of languages, and to operate the system securely and consistently under different environments such as remote and local execution. These features have become possible because of the three essential parts of the framework, namely the Common Language Runtime, Base Class Libraries, and Assemblies. Works Cited 1. Evjen, Bill, et al. Visual Basic . NET Programming Bible. New Delhi: Wiley Dreamtech India (P) Ltd. , 2004. 2. MSDN. 2007. Overview of the . NET Framework. Microsoft Corporation. 22 March 2007. http://msdn2. microsoft. com/en-us/library/a4t23ktk. aspx 3. Sessions, Roger. 28 March 2001. J2EE versus the . NET Platform: Two Visions for E-Business. ObjectWatch, Inc. 22 March 2007. http://www. objectwatch. com/FinalJ2EEandDotNet. doc

Friday, November 15, 2019

Freedom from Religion: Perversion of the U.S. Constitution Essay

In the two hundred and thirteen years since its ratification, the U.S. Constitution has been the very spine of America—the single-most effective element in the preservation of her sacred liberties. Contained therein are the revolutionary ideals of its framers, influenced by the precepts of Enlightenment and spurred on by their own experiences in the perils of tyrannical oppression. Thus the preservation of America’s sacred freedoms has been the result of a strict adherence to the forefathers’ insights. It stands to reason, then, that the perversion of these freedoms would be the result of a deviation from the original intents of the Constitution’s framers. An attack on any amendment or clause of the Constitution is an attack on the whole. Such an attack has begun to deteriorate religious freedom in America in the name of â€Å"separation of church and state.† In a sense, the United States Supreme Court has dually perverted the First Amendment, making religious expression a federal matter and establishing agnosticism as a national religion. Throughout the history of the world, many types of government have been formed, and can be distinguished by the manner of their religious dealings. In Biblical times, the Israelites were under a theocracy; that is to say their God was their government. Partially due to the restrictions of freedom this imposed, the Israelites became desirous of a kingdom like the other nations had. The type of government they wanted represents one form of autocracy, the monarchy. Monarchies like that in England often adopted a single form of religion, and those who did not agree were put to death. Monarchies generally did not have a â€Å"wall of separation.† A second form of autocracy is exemplified b... ... Communicom. Online. Internet. 5 November 2001. Available WWW: Gibbs, David C. Jr. â€Å"Defending Christian Freedom in America’s Public Schools.† CLA 1999. Communicom. Online. Internet. 28 October 2001. Available WWW: Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison, and John Jay. The Federalist Papers. New York: Penguin Books, 1961. Robinson, B. A. â€Å"Conflicts Between Government and Individual Religious Freedom in the U.S.† Religious 26 September 2000. Communicom. Online. Internet. 5 November 2001. Available WWW: â€Å"U.S. Constitution: First Amendment.† 2001. Communicom. Online. Internet. 30 October 2001. Available WWW:

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Scandal at Abu Ghraib

The abuse scandal of prisoners at Abu Ghraib occurred during the Iraq war. From 2003 to 2006 AbuGhraib prison was a US Army detention center for captured Iraqis. An investigation into the treatment of detainees at the prison was prompted by the discovery of graphic photos depicting guards abusing detainees in 2003. The facility was located nearBaghdad on 280 acres. At the height of the scandal, the prison held up to 3,800 detainees.Most of the detainees lived in tents in the prison yards(CNN Library).Spec. Joe Darbywas a U.S. Army Reservist serving as a Military Police (M.P.) at the Abu Ghraib prison, when, in January of 2004 he blew the whistle on several of his colleagues that were involved in the abuse scandal. He said he received the now-notorious abuse photos on computer disks(CDs)from Cpl. Charles Graner at the beginning of December(Associated Press). He turned them over to the Army investigators Jan. 12, testifying that he knew Graner was a ringleader in the abuse and would be returning to the prison soon from another assignment.Darby was right in disclosing the abuse and blowing the whistle because the duty of preventionof further illegal abuse of prisoners by U.S. Army personnel outweighed any other duty or loyalty that he may have felt bound to. In addition, withholding evidence and knowledge of something as fundamentally wrong as torture could have led to more problems for Spec. Darby overall because the abuse could have escalated and eventually have been found outanyway. In James 2this case, justified legal action against him as a co-conspirator, for withholding evidence, and failure to disclose illegal activity could have been usedagainst him. Furthermore, feeling as distressed as he did about finding the photos of the abuse, living with the knowledge of having ignored inhumane acts performed by Army personnel could have led to tremendous psychological stress due to feelings of guilt. Why did Joe Darby wait several weeks to turn the CDs in? In a situation where whistleblowing becomes a very real possibility for someone, two, possibly more,loyalties start conflictingwithin the person having to decide on whether to blow the whistle or not,Most oftenthisis a conflict between a public or common moralinterestthat the actor feels he has to protectand hisfeeling of duty, commitment , and loyalty to an organization and/or one or several individuals. This conflict of loyalties can be agonizing for the potentialwhistleblowerbecause hewill havetodisregardone loyaltyin favor of another(both of which are of equal moral importance to him)if he blows the whistle.In Spec. Darby's case there were several conflicts. First, the loyalty to the institution of the Army;secondthe loyalty to his colleagues;third, public interest intheprevention of harm and illegal activities,and finally thefear of retaliation, the threat to his own person as well as his family. In one interview, about disclosing the abuse at Abu Ghraib, Darby is quoted assaying it was†the right decision and it had to be made†(Norris). While he was hailed as a hero by some, he was also facing a lot of opposition for his actions as a whistleblower. After returning to the U.S. he was placed in protective custodyfor an extended amount of time, and later had to move from his hometown to escape harassment and threats against him and his family. According to Kantian deontology, which is the best moral theory to apply here,Darby had a duty to blowthe whistlebecause the concept of duty is the essential or central point of James 3deontology, and rather than being worried about the consequences of an action, the important thing is the way actors think when they make choices.The act should come from respect for the moral law. The only inherently good thing, according to Kant, is the good will, and the will is good when one acts out of duty and not out of inclination (to gain something material or gain a feeling of self-satisfaction). Darby made the decision to blow the whistle for the sole reason of preventing further wrongdoing by fellow soldiers, and further harm to prisoners at Abu Ghraib. He acted out of good will; he had neither material gain nor did the act of whistleblowing make him feel good. He perceived it as his moral duty to disclose the information. While an opponent of whistleblowing may argue that deontology cannot justifyintroducing as universal law theexternal or public disclosure in all cases of alleged wrongdoing, it can be countered here that it is equally not justifiable to establish as a universal law for a person to keep quiet about knowledge of intentional wrongdoing forever or indefinitely. Additionally, the duty to blow the whistle,as suggested bydeontology,is already being upheld in several professions, and in many of the States.For example,teachers,and physicians are required to report suspicions of abuse, nurses are required to report mistakes in the medical treatment of patients, and thereare laws that punish the failure to report a felonyin numerous states. Even in the Military there are clauses that obligate a soldier to refuse an order that is not legal. These are all examples of deontological theory supporting whistleblowing as the duty of a good citizen. While blowing the whistle externally is still often a controversial concept, internal whistleblowing has long been encouraged or been made obligatory by management in corporatecodes of ethics (Paddget). Considering that many U.S. soldiers were in the explicit pictures that were taken of the abuse, one stands to reasonably pose the question if Darby was the only person who was James 4disturbed by the actions of the soldiers involved in the torture of detainees. Spec. JeremySivits, who is also mentioned in case 6.2, was the first soldier to be tried. In his defense, his attorney insisted that Sivits was merely following orders, as he had been trained, to photograph the abuse. He claimed that followingorders was the right thing to do for Sivits(Clancy, Vaught and Solomon). This defense did not hold up in court, and Jeremy Sivits was tried and convicted, possibly because his invoking the defense of obedience was flawed. â€Å"Strict† obedience, which is what Sivits obedience to superiors essentially was, cannot excuse participation in a case involving unlawful actions as using torture and abuse on detainees of the U.S. Army. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) 809[890]. ART.90(20), makes it clear that military personnel need to obey the â€Å"lawful command of his superior officer,† 891.ART.91 (2), the â€Å"lawful order of a warrant officer†, 892.ART.92 (1) the â€Å"lawful general order†, 892.ART.92 (2) â€Å"lawful order†. In each case, military personnel have an obligation and a duty to only obey lawful orders and indeed have an obligation to disobey Unlawful orders, including orders by the president that do not comply with the UCMJ. The moral and legal obligation is to the U.S. Constitution and not to those who would issue unlawful orders, especially if those orders are in direct violation of the Constitution and the UCMJ (Mosqueda).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The teaching assistants role in developing childrens learning

The function of the Teaching Assistant has changed significantly in recent old ages ( Cheminais, 2008 ) and has, due to the authoritiess 2003 enterprise to alter the staffing construction within schools ( OfSTED. , 2004 ) , led to legion publications and surveies refering the effectivity of these alterations. Historically, learning helpers, or aides as they were sometimes once known, ( Clayton, 1993 ) were non learning grownups who helped qualified instructors by transporting out twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours administrative undertakings, and provided pastoral attention to kids. Several old ages subsequently the Government ( LGC. , 1998 ) outlined proposals for using a greater figure of support staff in order to supply even more support for students and instructors. They besides announced suggestions for a â€Å" more effectual usage of, and better preparation for, learning helpers and other school support staff † which, along with a subsequent OfSTED reappraisal, ( 2002a, p6 ) declared the demand for preparation that would, â€Å" fit any proposed construction of makings and to ease calling patterned advance. † The execution of national occupational criterions for learning helpers, approved in 2001, and the HLTA position introduced in 2003, ( TDA. , 2008 ) , offered committed support staff the chance to get the accomplishments to go more complete pedagogues. In other words, working as a instruction helper had become a calling, and so began the existent argument about the function of the instruction helper. In my experience, the rubric of ‘teaching helper ‘ is interpreted in a assortment of ways. Nevertheless, a common subject that I have encountered is that most learning helpers have the possible to be effectual pedagogues and are hence of import elements in the development of independent larning. How good this potency is utilized, nevertheless, is less clear and depends on the employer ‘s reading of the function along with appropriate preparation and development chances ( Department for Education and Skills, 2000, pp15-16 ) . In order to develop acquisition, learning helpers ought to hold a good apprehension of how kids learn. Piaget ( Slavin, 1994a ) , described the procedure as the creative activity of new thoughts by accommodating those already known. This was followed by Vygotsky ‘s claims ( Slavin, 1994b, p49 ) that kids move between zones when larning. He describes this as them traveling out of their comfort zone and towards their possible via their â€Å" zone of proximal development † through the usage of societal interaction. In order to incite this patterned advance, grownups need to supply chances for treatment and geographic expedition between kids and themselves. This besides has the possible to enable kids to detect and research linguistic communication, besides critical to a kid ‘s advancement ( Bruner, 1983, pp 64-66 ) . A instruction helper must be cognizant of the student ‘s current degree of apprehension and so cognize how to â€Å" scaffold † new larning . They must besides cognize when to retreat support to enable the kid to construct on, win and be responsible for their ain advancement. Furthermore, with current category sizes in the part of up to 30 students, a category instructor may be unable to offer such an single attack to turn toing the theories of the philosophers, and so it could be considered the function of the skilled instruction helper to make this. During my recent study of loath readers, carried out as a preliminary to the debut of an enterprise to advance reading, I discovered that the students had formulated an sentiment that reading was a job to be undertaken with animus and merely when instructed to make so. It became evident that these kids had encountered a assortment of barriers that had influenced their attitude and ability to read [ See Appendix A ] . Many of these barriers are authoritative illustrations of Erikson ‘s â€Å" Industry versus Inferiority Crisis † ( Slavin, 1994c, p56 ) , whereby outside influences have contributed towards a student organizing a negative ego image of themselves as readers. In order to get the better of this, the students needed the support of an â€Å" enabling grownup † as described by Chambers ( 1991 ) . This provided them with a function theoretical account, a positive attitude towards reading and an chance to portion and discourse reading experiences. This inspir ed in them a new willingness and enjoyment of reading, the result of which became evident in their apprehension of written text. The kids besides began composing with enthusiasm, utilizing their ain cognition and experiences ; as a consequence, they had taken control of their ain acquisition. The kids ‘s responses to the inaugural [ See Appendix B ] , demonstrated that they felt empowered by the fact that they were detecting new linguistic communication for themselves ( Gross, 1992a ) and were straight responsible for the advancement that they were doing. These rules apply to all kids, although some kids with SEN necessitate a higher degree of support traditionally provided by learning helpers ( Alborz et al, 2009 ) . This has antecedently been an country for argument with The Daily Telegraph ( 2009 ) printing an article claiming that research shows that, â€Å" Students make less advancement in schoolrooms where schools employ more teaching helpers † . The article states that learning helpers frequently support lower attaining students, ensuing in them being less supported by a qualified instructor and to them doing limited advancement, although it does non look to take into history the preparation of the instruction helpers. While reexamining the impact of work force remodeling, a study by OfSTED ( 2004 ) stated that when a instruction helper is appointed to work with carefully chosen students and is provided with the appropriate preparation to make so efficaciously, the students make important advancement. This is every bit good as the obvious benefits of supplying the instructor with more clip to concentrate on other students. In a recent observation of a twelvemonth 5 category, it was obvious that the usage of a instruction helper to supply kids with linguistic communication troubles with individualized, single aid benefited the targeted students and the category as a whole. The support enabled the kids to entree the course of study in a mainstream schoolroom while leting the category instructor to concentrate on the bulk of the students. The instruction helper ‘s intercession involved the re-enforcing of the whole category instruction, simplification of vocabulary and offering congratulations, encouragement and feedback on the undertaking. The support gave the students the assurance to take part in category treatments and enabled them to see new linguistic communication in context ; a critical facet of developing new constructs ( Gross, 1992b ) . Following the lesson, the instruction helper besides provided the instructor with appraisal and monitoring feedback to enable appraisal of and for larning . This appraisal has become a important portion of the function of the instruction helper and supports the instructor and student by enabling distinction and personalised larning to go every twenty-four hours pattern ( Kay, 2005 ) . Guidance published by the NFER ( 2002, cited in Department for Education and Skills, 2005, p.22 ) found that when instructors and learning helpers work in partnership, the consequences are a more effectual degree of learning and larning. An illustration of this is a scenario I have experienced late where a skilled instruction helper supported the acquisition of the bulk of the category while the category instructor focused on the kids with SEN. As a consequence of the instructor and instruction helper holding spent clip working together to be after the lesson, the instruction helper was able to help students in their accomplishment of the acquisition aims. By implementing a combination of all of these attacks and with effectual preparation and counsel, learning helpers can supply priceless support for all kids within any lesson. Supporting behaviour direction and supplying an alternate degree of perceptual experience within the schoolroom are besides cardinal facets of being an effectual instruction helper. In day-to-day Literacy lessons, I have observed a instruction helper back uping a student with ADHD and have no uncertainty that without her presence, the category instructor would hold to pass a big proportion of the lesson settling the kid and turn toing low degree distractions. Personal experience has shown me that kids with emotional or behavioral troubles respond positively to the support of a instruction helper with whom they can hammer a good grownup / kid relationship. This can lend towards the societal and emotional well-being of the kid as outlined in a reappraisal by Alborz et Al. ( 2009 ) ; nevertheless he besides found that this type of intercession does hold the possible to make a barrier between the supported kids, their equals and instructors. The instruction helper ‘s must, hence, h ave a good apprehension of the students demands in order to forestall this. Besides the chance to back up kids ‘s larning during lesson clip, learning helpers continue to transport out administrative undertakings in order to back up the category instructor and the school as a whole. The National Agreement ( ATL et al. 2003, p.2 ) , implemented as portion of the authoritiess workforce remodelling enterprise, states that instructors should non pass their clip transporting out administrative duties that do non do full usage of their accomplishments and expertness, but that these undertakings should be completed by support staff. The defined undertakings include the readying of schoolroom resources and puting up of shows. These responsibilities must besides, hence, be considered the duty of the instruction helper. Many of the administrative duties have an impact on the physical milieus, and hence contribute towards ( Primary National Strategy, 2004 ) making a positive ethos and the creative activity of a successful acquisition environment. In pattern, neve rtheless, the demand for learning helpers to be more involved in the bringing of lessons agencies that they have less clip for transporting out administrative responsibilities which relays these responsibilities back into the custodies of the instructors ( OfSTED, 2002b, p8 ) . In my experience, learning helpers offer unconditioned support for the school in which they are employed. Many carry out responsibilities beyond their on the job hours, supplying curriculum enrichment activities and on a regular basis being at the head of fund raising events. They often are able to supply a connexion between parents, local communities and their schools as they frequently live in close propinquity to their workplace. This is a valuable portion of their function as it enables learning staff to be cognizant of local issues and provides a nexus between parents and schools ( Logan, E. & A ; Feiler, A. 2006 ) . In decision, a instruction helper ‘s function is to offer individualized acquisition, pastoral attention and administrative aid. They encourage good acquisition by supplying priceless differentiated larning support to persons and groups of students. Skilled teaching helpers promote enjoyment and accomplishment in a safe, nurturing environment while lending to the academic and emotional well-being of all kids. They set up positive relationships with parents and assist students to go successful members of the school and wider community. ( 1639 words )

Friday, November 8, 2019

Overview on Reasons to Learn Mandarin Chinese

Overview on Reasons to Learn Mandarin Chinese Mandarin is â€Å"too hard† to learn, right? Despite this widely-held belief, millions of people are studying Mandarin Chinese as a second language. But if it’s so hard, why bother to learn Mandarin? Is Mandarin Difficult? There is no doubt that written Chinese is difficult to learn – even for the Chinese! But the spoken language is a different kettle of fish. In many ways, Mandarin Chinese is much easier to learn than European languages. Here are some features which make Mandarin easy: no subject/verb agreementno pluralsno conjugationsno tensessimple numbering system which is applied to dates and time expressionssimple conditional sentencessimple prepositions Why Learn Mandarin? So Mandarin is easy, but why learn it? The number one reason is that Mandarin Chinese is the most widely-spoken language in the world. Learn to speak Mandarin and you can speak with millions of people around the world. More reasons: Business - Business people who speak Mandarin have a huge advantage in tapping into the Chinese market. It is much easier to develop all-important relationships if you can speak Mandarin.Travel - China and Taiwan offer exciting travel opportunities. Getting around is much easier if you can speak Mandarin.Culture - With thousands of years of history, Chinese culture is endlessly fascinating. Whether your interests are in history, architecture, music, or cuisine, a knowledge of Mandarin will enrich your understanding of Chinese culture. Chinese Characters The Chinese writing system is quite a challenge, but this is another reason to learn it! Despite its difficulty, learning to read and write Chinese will give you a lifetime of intellectual stimulation. The real beauty of the language is revealed in the writing. There are thousands of Chinese characters, but they are not randomly constructed. There is a system to their design, and understanding that system makes it much easier to learn new characters. So take the challenge and learn Mandarin Chinese! It is your ticket to a lifetime of reward.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Improved Elevator Invention of Alexander Miles

The Improved Elevator Invention of Alexander Miles Alexander Miles of Duluth, Minnesota patented an electric elevator on October 11, 1887. His innovation in the mechanism to open and close elevator doors greatly improved elevator safety.  Miles is notable for being a  black inventor  and successful business person in 19th Century America.   Elevator Patent for Automatic Closing Doors The problem with elevators at that time was that the doors of the elevator and the shaft had to be opened and closed manually. This could be done either by those riding in the elevator, or a dedicated elevator operator.  People would forget to close the shaft door. As a result,  there were accidents with people falling down the elevator shaft. Miles was concerned when he saw a shaft door left open when he was riding an elevator with his daughter. Miles  improved the method of the opening and closing of elevator  doors and the shaft door when an elevator was not on that floor.  He created an automatic mechanism that closed access to the shaft by the action of the cage moving. His design attached a flexible belt to the elevator cage. When it went over drums positioned at the appropriate spots above and below a floor, it automated opening and closing the doors with levers and rollers. Miles was granted a patent on this mechanism and it is still influential in elevator design today. He was not the only person to get a patent on automated elevator door systems, as John W. Meaker was granted a patent 13 years earlier. Early Life of Inventor Alexander Miles Miles was born in 1838 in Ohio to Michael Miles and Mary Pompy and is not recorded as having been a slave. He moved to Wisconsin and worked as a barber. He later moved to Minnesota where his draft registration showed he was living in Winona in 1863. He showed his talents for invention by creating and marketing hair care products. He met Candace Dunlap, a white woman who was a widow with two children. They married and moved to Duluth, Minnesota by 1875, where he lived for more than two decades. They had a daughter, Grace, in 1876. In Duluth, the couple invested in real estate, and Miles operated the barbershop at the upscale St. Louis Hotel. He was the first black member of the Duluth Chamber of Commerce. Later Life of Alexander Miles Miles and his family lived in comfort and prosperity in Duluth. He was active in politics and fraternal organizations. In 1899 he sold real estate investments in Duluth and moved to Chicago. He founded The United Brotherhood as a life insurance company that would ensure black people, who were often denied coverage at that time. Recessions took a toll on his investments, and he and his family resettled in Seattle, Washington. At one time it was believed he was the wealthiest black person in the Pacific Northwest, but that did not last. In the last decades of his life, he was again working as a barber. He died in 1918 and was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2007.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Why did Capitalism first appear in Britiain rathen than any other area Essay

Why did Capitalism first appear in Britiain rathen than any other area in the world - Essay Example To know why it started in England also gives us an insight on the many factors that made it successful there despite early misgivings about this system. Although England already had characteristics of the rudimentary form of capitalism by 1815, it did not immediately take hold because the wealth and power structure of the country had not changed yet. This simply means the old feudal system was not yet completely erased in which peoples wealth were measured by an amount of land they possessed. In other words, the country at that time was still largely anchored on an agricultural economy. The majority of people still depended on the produce of the land for their sustenance as income source. The other countries on continental Europe were largely weakened by frequent wars. It was only England which had remained largely untouched because it was separated from the continent by the English Channel and was therefore insulated from its ill effects. However, it must be conceded that other factors conspired to make England especially favorable to large scale developments in terms of capital and labor. The first big industries of coal mining and its related iron and steel industries were located in close proximity in England (SÃ ©e 139). England was a major sea power at the beginnings of the nineteenth century and it gave the country undisputed dominion of the high seas. With its tremendous sea dominance, it gave England unfettered access to much of the import and export trade in agricultural commodities such as cotton for its burgeoning textile industry, back then a key element in modernization of any country. France, which was the sole European power to seriously challenge England, was weak from the big wars of the Napoleonic era and then convulsed by its own revolution which followed to establish the first French republic. England was uniquely positioned to take some advantage of this turmoil. A study of the early economic history

Friday, November 1, 2019

American literature This I believe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American literature This I believe - Essay Example If you have not read, memorized, and kept at heart that immeasurable and invaluable gift by our great ancestors, you had better do. Otherwise, your commitment to the cause of justice, the cause of equality may be legitimately question. One cannot have an answer why you have not read the American declaration of independence. No excuse can be heard from the anybody’s mouth why they have not read their declaration of independence. I believe in its content, intents, and purports. As for my case, I will up to the word, phrases, and the meaning intended by our great ancestors. What else can we ask for? (American Declaration of Independence, para.2). The declaration tells us what to do and what not to. Our declaration of independence ought to be declared a wonder of the world. It ought to be a legal document with a force of law. It should be the grundnorm against which we measure our behaviors. Have we pursued to the fullest our right to be happy? Are American people happy, as we all deserve? Do we believe it is true that happiness is a truth that is self-evident? Do we believe that our right to right to life and liberty and happiness are inalienable? Do we think we should lead by example and infect all the nations of the world with our firm believe that we ought to be happy? If we fully understand, our declaration of independence do we treat the other nations as they deserve. Whether the non-derogable are rights to life, freedom, and pursuit of happiness limited to Americans only? The American people, we ought not to interpret the words literary. They must be given the widest possible interpretation. In our pursuit of the right to life and pursuit of happiness, we should conserve the world environment. We should not be partakers in the complicity of degrading the world environment. We ought to lead by example and have other people’s happiness in having a clean and

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

King and the Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

King and the Letter - Essay Example Another metaphoric statement in the letter was when King stated, â€Å"In those days the church was not merely a thermometer†¦it was the thermostat that transformed the mores of society (8).† A thermometer is the instrument used to measure temperature. However, instead of being an instrument, the church became a thermostat that further heats up the whole scenario. Instead of putting water to turn out the fire, the religious sect even put up the heat to intense more the emotions and beliefs that the blacks are not as good as whites. Though at times there are people who have a different perception towards race, the clergymen themselves are advocates of racism and make their followers believe that those who would go against the beliefs and teachings of the church are going against the will of God. When the church goes forth with their racist belief, its follower should also do the same. The third metaphoric statement stated by King in his letter was â€Å"†¦have broken loose from the paralyzing chains of conformity and joined us as active partners in the struggle of freedom (8).† Though faced with criticisms and other issues, there are groups of people who have opened up their hearts and mind towards the difference of race. Even if the society or the religious sect are still being conservative towards this matter, as time goes by people are starting to understand that man is man and should be treated humanely regardless of the color of his skin. Humans may be created differently but they were all created equally.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Disease trends of the delivery healthcare systems Essay Example for Free

Disease trends of the delivery healthcare systems Essay Advances in global health and science have assisted the disease trends. It has become a never ending mission to protect public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease as well as injury and disability. There have been noted demographic changes in the past 50 years that have resulted from changing trends in child, maternal, and adult death rates (CDC, 2011). Among these are rises in obesity and aging. As these health concerns continue to climb we will have a greater impact on the delivery of services from health care. The importance of these trends assists in prevention and protecting one’s self from new diseases and illnesses as well as old ones. One of the noted trends in healthcare is aging. Focusing on the world’s age composition is one way to understand the impacts and changes in further years to come. According to the US Census Bureau (2013), the elderly population age 65 and older during the twentieth century composed one in every twenty five individuals. In the twenty first century, this same population composed one in every 8 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2013). This showed that the life expectancy of humans has become longer. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2013), the population in the United States in the year of 2010 was 308.7 million. This indicated a near 10 percent increase over the past ten years. This same 2010 census showed that the elderly population composed 13 percent as opposed to only being 9 percent in the year of 2000. The notable change was determined that there were fewer people in the 65-75 age range but there were more individuals in the 75-85 age ranges. It proved that there were more increasingly elderly individuals reaching into their seventies and even eighties. This increase in age showed that life expectancy and advances in medicine have contributed to individuals living longer lives. This would indicate that as long as medicines and healthcare continued to advance, so would the elderly population in growth. Environmental factors directly contribute to population growth. For one, as the population continues to grow in size, the  natural resources and undeveloped land becomes utilized to accommodate this expansion. Clearing the land and making it more desirable offers more room to continue additions in the population. This in turn offers an increase in the resources that can be utilized for healthcare and science in the creation of vaccines and medications. This increased development has also led to the finding of new resources such as unknown species of plants and animals. These newer found resources can be tested to see if they offer any properties in the expansion of healthcare and medications. The Medical Plant Consortium (2013) states, â€Å"Our major goal in this project has been to capture blue prints of medicinal plants for the advancement of drug discovery and development.† The medical plant consortium further adds well known medicines such as digoxin used for cardiac muscle stimulation comes from the fox glove plant and some of the chemotherapy medications such as vinchristine come from the periwinkle plant. Another noted environmental factor is that the population density has grown over the years. In addition to the population growth, land clearing has been increasing for the purpose of crops farmed for human consumption. The combination of needed developed land for farm crops and the growing population has only contributed to more land being cleared for further discoveries. Some of the changing demographics have been an increase in the population density. Over the years due to advancements in medications and healthcare improving the human life expectancy, th ere is an indicated increase of individuals per square mile than years prior. This is due to the slow development of land but also human life expectancy increasing. January 2011 ushered in the first of approximately 77 million baby boomers born from 1946 through 1964 and surging towards the gates of retirement. Each year 3.5 baby boomers turn 55.† This increase indicates that by 2030 there will be more than twice in the elderly population that in the year 2000 (Transgenerational, 2009). The aging trend is likely to experience an increase in the health issues of today. As we live longer there is more wear and tear to our bodies that developed the need for further medical assistance. As we age our blood vessels and arteries become stiffer causing the heart to have to work harder to function. The longer the heart has to function under this strain, the more likely complications will occur. These factors are directly linked to high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. In addition with aging,  ones bones tend to lose bone mass. This not only weakens t hem increasing the risk for fracture but effects muscle function. Over time muscles lose flexibility and strength. These factors contribute to arthritis. According to the CDC (2013), one of ever two persons will knee arthritis and one in every four will develop hip arthritis. This clearly supports that disease and illness will become more likely as we age. In order to reduce health related problems in aging one should remain fit and incorporate an exercise regimen into their daily life. In addition eating a healthy diet, not smoking, managing stress and taking a daily supplement can help prolong age related diseases (CDC, 2013). Currently the obesity rate in the United States is nearly two of every three persons (Surgeon general, 2009). Research has shown that the united states have the highest population of obesity. A report done from July 2013 shown that the united stated passed the obesity rates of Mexico (Medical News Today, 2013). The U.S. obesity rate has grown from 13 percent in 1960 to 32 percent in 2004 (surgeon general, 2009). References: 1- Centers of Disease Control (CDC), 2010. 2- Department of Health and Human services, 2012. 3- U.S. Census Bureau, 2013. 4- U.S. Census Bureau, 2011. 5-, 2013. 6- Transgenerational- design matters, 2009. 7- Mayo clinic, 2013. 8- Surgeon general, 2009. 9- Medical News Today, 2013.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Blanche :: essays research papers

Blanche Du Bois: Blanche is a woman coming from an aristocratic background. She has lost her home, Belle Reve and also her job as an English teacher and came to her sister’s house to stay for a while. In the past, her first lover died and after that she had changed a lot. Blanche is described by Tennessee Williams as delicate, sensitive, cultured, and beautiful. She is always â€Å"dressed in a white suit with a fluffy boddice, necklace and ear-rings of pearl, white gloves and hat, looking as if she were arriving at a summer tea or coctail party in the garden district.† (117-Scene I) This whiteness is symbolic that she wants to be seen as pure. Her name also means â€Å"white†. She bathes often because she feels dirty in her body maybe because of her sexual memories. She says â€Å"a hot bath and a long, cold drink always gives me a brand-new outlook on life.† (192-Scene VII) This summarizes her need for bathing. As she is unable to get rid of her dirtiness in her mind, she tries to get rid of it physically. She also drinks a lot because she feels comfortable after that. She escapes into drink rather than facing life as it is. Her other weakness is about her appearance. She pays too much attention to her appearance because she wants to catch men’s eyes. She admits that while talking to her sister, Stella, by saying: â€Å"I never was hard or self-sufficient enough. When people are soft- soft people have got to court the favour of hard ones, Stella. Have got to be seductive- put on soft colours, the colours of butterfly wings, and glow†¦I’ve run for protection, Stella†¦And so the soft people have got to- shimmer and glow – put a – paper lantern over the light†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (169-Scene V) She is giving too much importance to her looks. For example, the light is a symbol of this. She is afraid of light. She is getting older and if she is seen in the light, she thinks people will discover her real age and won’t look at her. Blanche always lies about her situation, her appearance, her age, her everything. This is what Stanley discovers and tells Stella all about it. â€Å"Sister Blanche is no lily.† (186-Scene VII) And another lie she said was about her resignation from the school. It is all because of â€Å" a seventeen-year-old-boy-she’d gotten mixed up with.