Saturday, February 22, 2020

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy - a Remedy for Chronic Stuttering Coursework

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy - a Remedy for Chronic Stuttering - Coursework Example Ahmed, a 13-year old student and the focus of my case, suffers from chronic stuttering due to untreated social fear. He shows difficulty in speaking whenever he is in front of other people; particularly those whom he knows have authority over him. Hence, the objective of this reflective paper is to narrate and discuss the essential practice issues and challenges that are involved in my social work experience with Ahmed. First, the essay will explain my rationale for choosing the cognitive-behavioral theory as a model for the treatment of chronic stuttering. Second, I will narrate the challenges of social work in Saudi Arabia, particularly with regard to working with women and families. And lastly, I will reflect on my own strengths and weaknesses as a social worker based on my experience with Ahmed. In principles, in cognitive-behavioral therapies, the manner and content of patients’ speech should manifest reforms in the cognitive processing of their core problem (Bothe 2004). Stein, Baird, and Walker (1996) propose that individuals who have social anxiety and stutter would gain from cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) sessions for social phobia. They described subjective substantiation of this in three subjects within their group who allegedly the encountered declines in avoidance, social phobia, and general disability throughout a 3-month CBT program (Stein et al. 1996). Moreover, a statement of a speech restructuring treatment course subjectively revealed the favorable outcomes of employing CBT processes along with speech restructuring therapy. Blood (1995 as cited in Onslow, Packman, Block, Menzies, O'Brien, & St. Clare 2008) merged a computer-assisted biofeedback system for easing stuttering with a relapse management course founded on the self-efficacy model of Bandura, CBT, and the relapse prevention model of Donovan and Marlatt (1980 as cited in Onslow et al. 2008). The relapse package of Blood (1995 as cited in Onslow et al. 2008) is composed of the following parts: ‘(a) problem solving, (b) cognitive restructuring/reframing, and (c) nondirective supportive counseling’ (p. 3) Four male individuals participated in the experiment, with a ‘multiple-baseline, across subjects’ (Onslow et al. 2008: 3) framework. All four subjects exhibited substantial and steady drops in stuttering throughout the trial, and these improvements were sustained at one-year follow-up. Inopportunely, the study’s design does not permit identification of the relative inputs of the psychological therapy and speech res tructuring course. No participants were given either a therapy module individually.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Health and Saftey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Health and Saftey - Essay Example Carbon monoxide is odourless and so increase in the ambient concentration will not be detected by smell and there is no equipment in the warehouse for detecting carbon monoxide increase in ambient concentration. Therefore the reasons for this situation are the presence of carbon monoxide in the exhaust of the gas fuelled fork lifts, due to the incomplete combustion of the fuel (Rimmer & Yarnell, 2009). The first action is to move the ladies that are complaining of dizziness and nausea out of the warehouse to breathe fresh air with more oxygen to remove the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. The second step consists of using the basic air sampling tubes to test for the ambient concentration of carbon monoxide and confirm its excess presence (Rimmer & Yarnell, 2009). 4. Gas masks to be made available in the warehouse for use in case the air sampling tubes indicated elevated levels of ambient carbon monoxide. In case ambient carbon monoxide levels exceed 400ppm, all personnel to be cleared from the warehouse and the sealed doors opened to lower the ambient carbon monoxide levels. Rimmer, T. W. & Yarnell, S. H. (2009). Controlling Forklifts Exhaust Emissions. Retrieved October 26, 2009, from Occupational Health & Safety Web Site: